Koelreuteria Paniculata


Koelreuteria Paniculata (scientific name: Koelreuteria paniculata), alias: Mu Luan, Luan Hua, etc., is a plant of the genus Luan in the family of saponaceae. Deciduous trees or shrubs; The bark is thick, grayish brown to grayish black, longitudinally split when old; Small pores, gray to dark brown; Branchlets have warty spots, and leaf axis and petiole are wrinkled pubescent or glabrous.

Growth habit:

Luan tree is a kind of light loving and semi shade tolerant plant; Cold resistance; However, it is not resistant to water flooding. Attention should be paid to the land for planting. It is resistant to drought and barren, and has strong adaptability to the environment. It likes to grow in calcareous soil, and is resistant to salt and short-term water logging. Luan tree has deep roots, strong sprouting ability, medium growth speed, slow growth of young trees, and gradually faster in the future. It has a strong ability to resist smoke and dust. It is planted in the Central Plains, especially in Xuchang Yanling.

Curing method:

Loosen the soil, weed and water frequently to keep the bed moist. After falling leaves at the end of autumn, most seedlings can be as high as 2M and the ground diameter is about 2cm. The seedlings were dug up and graded, and transplanted in the next spring. The roots were slightly cut short before transplantation. After transplantation, the seedlings were cut off from the rhizome, that is, the stubble was flat from the ground surface, and then watered. After sprouting, the buds should be wiped frequently, and only the strongest bud should be left to cultivate into the trunk. During the growth period, the soil is often loosened, weeding, watering and topdressing, and the straight trunk can be formed in autumn.

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