Maple poplar


Pterocarya stenoptera C. DC. Is a plant of the genus Pterocarya in the walnut family. Large arbor, 30 meters high and 1 meter in DBH; The bark of young trees is smooth, light gray, and deep and vertical cracks when old; Branchlets gray to dark brown, with grayish yellow lenticels; Buds petiolate. The leaves are mostly even or odd pinnate compound leaves, 8-16 cm long (up to 25 cm rare), and the petiole is 2-5 cm long. The male catkin is about 6-10 cm long, and is alone in the axils of leaf scars on last year's branches. The inflorescence axis often has sparse stellate hairs. The female catkin is terminal, about 10-15 cm long. The inflorescence axis is densely covered with star shaped hairs and simple hairs. The part without flowers at the lower end is 3 cm long. The female flower is almost sessile, and the base of bracts and bracteoles often has fine stellate hairs and is densely covered with glands. The inflorescence is 20-45 cm long, and the inflorescence axis is often covered with persistent hairs. Fruit oblong, about 6-7 mm long; Fruit wings narrow, strip or broad strip, 12-20 mm long, 3-6 mm wide, with nearly parallel veins. The flowering period is from April to may, and the fruit ripening period is from August to September.

Growth habit:

Maple poplar is a deep rooted tree species, with obvious main roots and developed lateral roots. The germination force is strong and the growth is fast. The resistance to harmful gas sulfur dioxide and chlorine is weak. After being injured, the leaves quickly changed from green to reddish brown to purple brown, and were easy to fall off. Those who are seriously harmed by sulfur dioxide will lose all their leaves within a few hours. The growth of maple poplar was slow at the initial stage, and the growth speed was accelerated at the later stage.

Curing method:

Maple poplar has strong branching force, so pruning should be done well. First, cut off the side branches of the maple poplar from the base, and flatten the incision to promote healing, so as not to cause decay and hollow of the trunk. Pruning time should be in winter, not in spring. The pruning intensity should be large at the initial stage of growth (2-3 years old), and all thick side branches at the lower part should be cut off. After 4-5 years of planting, the growth advantage of the trunk has been obvious, and the pruning intensity should be appropriately reduced. When the height of the tree reaches about 10 meters, it begins to enter the period of vigorous DBH growth, and the pruning intensity should be reduced. Generally, the width of the tree crown should be 1 / 2-1 / 3 of the height of the tree. After pruning, dormant buds on the trunk are easy to germinate and should be wiped out as soon as possible.

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