Malus Halliana


Malus halliana Koehne (scientific name: Malus halliana Koehne) is a small deciduous tree with a height of 5 meters and a spreading crown; Leaves ovate or elliptic to oblong ovate, corymbose, with 4-6 flowers, pedicels thin and drooping, with sparse pilose, purple; Calyx tube outside glabrous; Sepals triangular ovate, petals obovate, base with short claws, pink, often more than 5; Fruit pear shaped or obovate, purplish, mature very late, sepals fall off. The flowering period is from March to April and the fruiting period is from September to October. It lives in the jungle on the hillside or beside the mountain stream, with an altitude of 50-1200 meters. It is distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Yunnan.

Growth habit:

Begonia verticillata likes sunshine, is not resistant to shade, and is not very cold resistant. It loves a warm and humid environment and is suitable for places with sufficient sunshine and leeward wind. The soil requirements are not strict. Slightly acidic or slightly alkaline soil can grow, but the soil layer is deep, loose, fertile, well drained and slightly sticky. This peanut is strong and easy to cultivate. It does not need special technical management, but it is not resistant to water logging. Potting must prevent water logging to avoid rotten roots.

Curing method:

In summer, the potted plants should be properly shaded and sprayed with water for humidification and cooling. Generally, it is not necessary to put it indoors in winter, and the basin can be buried in the soil. There shall be sufficient water supply in the growing season, subject to no ponding. Water more in spring and summer, and water once in the morning and once in the evening when the temperature is high in summer; Pay attention to drainage during plum rain and in case of long rain and bad weather to prevent ponding and root rot in the basin; In autumn, reduce the amount of water, inhibit the growth, and be conducive to overwintering.

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