Geleshan martyrs cemetery

Gele Mountain is known as "the first peak of Bayu culture and the ecological emerald of mountain city". In ancient times, Gele Mountain was named after Dayu's flood control and the people's song. In modern times, Gele Mountain is famous for revolutionary historical sites such as martyrs' cemetery, baigongguan and dregs cave. Since 1961 to 2020, the related literary works, the novel Hongyan, has been reprinted 113 times, reprinted 51 times, and printed more than 10 million copies. It has been translated into many languages and has been selected as the "collection of 70 novels in 70 years of new China". Red rock novels, heroic deeds and the "November 27" massacre have dyed the color of Gele Mountain Red, making it a holy mountain for red tourism.


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