Juela flavescens


Ficus flavescens generally refers to Brandy (Magnoliaceae Michelia), brandy (scientific name: Michelia alba dc.): it is an evergreen tree of Magnoliaceae and Michelia, with a height of 17 meters, wide branches and a broad umbrella crown; DBH 30 cm; Bark gray; Rubbing the branches and leaves has fragrance; The shoots and buds are densely covered with yellowish white puberulent hairs, and the hairs gradually fall off when they are old. The leaves are thin leathery, long elliptic or lanceolate elliptic, glabrous on the top, sparsely puberulent on the bottom, and the net veins on both sides are obvious when dry. The flowers are white and fragrant; Perianth segments 10, lanceolate; Pistil carpels are numerous, and when mature, with the extension of the receptacle, the follicles become sparse aggregate fruits; The follicles are bright red when ripe. The flowering period is from April to September, and it is in full bloom in summer, usually not fruity.

Growth habit:

It likes light, is afraid of high temperature, and is not resistant to cold. It is suitable for slightly acidic soil. It likes warm and humid, is not resistant to drought and water logging, is sensitive to toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide and chlorine, and has poor resistance.

Curing method:

In the period of vigorous growth (usually may, June or July and August every year), flower fertilizer should be applied to white orchids once every half month, or a little nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied at an interval of about 20, with 2 g to 6 g each time.

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