Spring cuckoo


Rhododendron simsii & r.spp., also known as Rhododendron, Many branches, thin and straight branches. Leaves alternate, long elliptic ovate, apex pointed, surface dark green, sparsely hirsute, back light green. Racemes, solitary or terminal flowers, funnel-shaped, with various colors and varieties. There are evergreen rhododendron and deciduous Rhododendron; It is divided into spring cuckoo, summer cuckoo and spring summer cuckoo according to the flowering period. According to the flower type, it can be divided into single petal, set petal and double petal. Petals can be divided into flat, slightly wrinkled and wrinkled. The flowering period is from April to may, and the fruit ripening period is October. It is mostly found in hillsides, hills and bushes.

Growth habit:

Spring cuckoo likes cool, humid and ventilated semi shade environment. It is afraid of both hot and cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 12 ° C to 25 ° C. if the temperature in summer exceeds 35 ° C, the new shoots and leaves grow slowly and are in semi dormant state.

Curing method:

The best way to water spring azaleas is to use rainwater, followed by river water and pond water. If tap water is used, the water should be stored for 1-2 days to volatilize the chlorine before use. Add 0.2% ferrous sulfate during use, and water it once every 7-10 days in the growing season. Use it frequently to ensure that the soil is acidic.

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