Wintersweet Flower


Chimonanthus praecox (L.) link is a plant of the genus Chimonanthus in the family Chimonanthus. Deciduous shrub, up to 4 m; Young branches are square, old branches are nearly cylindrical; The scale bud usually occurs in the axils of the second year-old branches, and the bud scales are nearly round. The leaves are papery to nearly leathery, ovate, elliptic, broadly elliptic to ovate elliptic, and sometimes oblong lanceolate. The flowers are placed in the axils of the second-year-old branches, flowers first and then leaves, fragrant, 2-4 cm in diameter; Perianth segments round, oblong, obovate, elliptic or spoon shaped; Stamens 4 mm long, filaments longer or equal than anthers, anthers inwardly curved, glabrous; Carpel base sparsely hirsute, style 3 times as long as ovary,. The fruit receptacle is nearly lignified, altar shaped or obovate elliptic, 2-5 cm long and 1-2.5 cm in diameter, with a constricted mouth and a drill like lanceolate hairy appendage. The flowering period is from November to march of the next year, and the fruiting period is from April to November.

Growth habit:

Chimonanthus praecox is light loving, drought resistant, moisture resistant, likes deep and well drained soil, grows poorly on clay and saline alkali soil, and has certain cold resistance.

Curing method:

It is better to maintain the half moisture state of the soil when watering at ordinary times, and pay attention to drainage in rainy season to prevent soil ponding. Supplement water in time in dry season. During flowering, the soil should be kept moderately dry and should not be watered too much. Potted Chimonanthus in spring and autumn, the potted soil is not dry; In summer, water shall be poured in the morning and evening, and the water volume shall be controlled according to the dry and wet conditions of the basin soil.

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