

Melaleuca bracteata f. Muell. Is an evergreen tree belonging to the genus Melaleuca of myrtle family. The height of the tree can reach 6-8 meters, and the crown is conical. The trunk is upright, the branches are dense, slender and soft, and the tender branches are red. The leaves are golden yellow, lanceolate, 2-2.5 meters long and 0.2 cm wide, with fragrant fragrance. Spikes, petals green and white. The fruit is a capsule.

Growth habit:

It likes warm and humid climate, drought and flood resistance, and is resistant to poor soil. However, it is most suitable to grow on fertile, loose, breathable and water retaining sandy loam.

Curing method:

Weeding and fertilization: first, loosen the soil for weeding, which is generally carried out after irrigation and rainfall. From the planting year, the forest shall be planted for 3-5 years, 2-4 times a year, and the roots shall not be damaged; The second is base fertilizer. Organic fertilizer can be applied in spring and autumn, but the effect is better in autumn. 1500-200kg organic fertilizer is applied per mu during the young tree period, and 2000-2500kg organic fertilizer is applied per mu after 3 years, which can be applied by opening ditches between rows; Third, top dressing, mainly chemical fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Fertilization should be conducted 2-3 times a year, preferably before the tree growth period (may) and at the growth peak (June and July).

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