triangle plum


Bougainvillea spp. (scientific name: Bougainvillea spp.) is a general term for light leafed flowers and leafy flowers. It belongs to the purple jasmine family and the leafy flowers. It is an evergreen climbing shrub. Stems stout, branches drooping, glabrous or sparsely pilose; Leaf blade papery, ovate or ovate lanceolate; In the 3 bracts at the end of the flower terminal branch, the pedicel is adnate to the middle vein of the bract, and each bract bears a flower; Stamens 6-8; Bracts leaflike, purple or magenta, oblong or elliptic, style lateral, linear, margin extended into thin flakes, stigma pointed; Perianth tube narrowly tubular, 1.6-2.4 cm long; Disk base connate, annular, upper part lacerated. The flowering period is between winter and spring (Guangzhou, Hainan and Kunming), and it blooms from March to July in greenhouse cultivation in northern China.

Growth habit:

It is required that the sunshine time should not be less than 9 hours per day. When the sunshine is sufficient, the plant will grow well, with many flowers, bright flowers and long flowering period. On the contrary, it is easy to fall and wither; The illumination time of the plant shall be controlled at 8-9 hours every day, and the buds will bloom after 45 days. When the light is not available for a long time or the light is very weak, the flowering will be delayed or not.

Curing method:

In rainy season or low temperature, water less or no water. In summer and autumn high-temperature season, water once a day or every other day, and the water shall be thoroughly watered; In the season with low temperature, water after 10 a.m. and before 4 p.m. to wet the soil. The trees that grow vigorously or do not bloom for a long time should be treated alternately with dry and wet treatments, and then watered when more leaves on the branches wither, so as to promote the formation of flower buds and blossom as soon as possible. In winter and early spring, water 2-3 times a month according to the situation. Water can only be poured when most of the topsoil in the basin is white. For the trees with sufficient fertilizer and water and flourishing growth, it is especially necessary to control the number of watering and the amount of watering each time, so as to control the excessive growth of the branches. It is not allowed to water flowers with water temperature difference of more than 4 ℃ between well water and natural temperature.

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