flowering plum


Elm leaf plum (scientific name: Amygdalus triloba), also known as little peach, is named after its leaves like elm leaves and flowers like plum blossoms. It is a shrub and small tree, 2-3 meters high; Branches spreading, with many short branchlets; Branchlets gray, annual branches gray brown, glabrous or pubescent when young; Winter buds are short and 2-3 mm long.

Branches purplish brown, leaves broadly elliptic to obovate, apex 3-lobed, margin with unequal heavy serration; Flowers single to double, purple red, 1-2 in leaf axils, flowering in April; Drupe red, subglobose, hairy.

Elm leaf plum has been cultivated for hundreds of years in China and has been planted in most parks throughout the country. This species blooms early and is mainly used for ornamental purposes. The common cultivation types are double petaled elm leaf plum (flowers have double petals, pink; sepals are usually 10), Luan branch (petals and sepals each have 10, pollen is red; leaves are hairless).

Growth habit:

Light loving, slightly shade resistant, cold resistant, able to survive the winter at - 35 ℃. The requirements for soil are not strict, and neutral to slightly alkaline and fertile soil is preferred. The root system is developed and the drought resistance is strong. It is not resistant to waterlogging. Strong disease resistance. It is born under the arbor and shrub forest or forest edge on the slope or beside the ditch at low to medium altitude.

Curing method:

Yuye plum likes humid environment, but it is also more drought resistant. During planting, water shall be well watered. In the first year of transplanting, special attention shall be paid to water management. In summer, sufficient water shall be timely supplied to plants to prevent seedlings from dying due to water shortage. After entering the normal management, attention should be paid to watering three times, that is, the green water in early spring, the growth water in mid spring, and the frozen water in early winter. The rejuvenating water in early spring is very important to the flowering quality and the growth of the plum. This watering can not only prevent the frost damage in early spring, but also timely supply the water for plant growth. This watering should be done early rather than late, generally in early March. If it is too late, it will not play the role of cold protection and antifreeze.

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