Silver laurel


Osmanthus fragrans (scientific name: Osmanthus fragrans' latifolius') is a cultivated variety of Oleaceae and Oleaceae, which represents a kind of cultivated plant variety with autumn flowering and shallow flower color in Osmanthus fragrans. The plant is tall, 4-10 (15) meters; Most of them are small and medium-sized trees, often with obvious trunk. The bark is grayish brown and the branchlets are yellowish brown. Leaves leathery, elliptic, oblong or elliptic lanceolate. Cymes clustered in leaf axils, or nearly broom shaped, with many flowers in each axil; Bracts broadly ovate, thick; Calyx ca. 1 mm long, lobes slightly irregular; Stamens are inserted in the middle of corolla tube and filaments are very short. Fruit skew, oval, purple black. The color is light, silver white, milky white, green white, milky yellow, yellow white, etc.

Growth habit:

Light loving, slightly shade resistant; It likes warm, humid and well ventilated environment, is not cold resistant, likes slightly acidic soil, likes sandy loam, and avoids water logging, alkaline land and clayey soil. It blooms in autumn, and the flowering period is from August to November.

Curing method:

The principle of watering is not to dry, but to pour thoroughly. In spring, water every 3-4 days; In summer, water shall be poured once every 1-2 days, with proper water spraying; Before flowering in autumn, the temperature starts to drop, and the amount of water should be appropriately reduced. Too much water will cause early bud falling. Before and after flowering, more water should be sprayed on the leaf surface to increase the relative humidity of the air.

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