Hand peach


Zhaoshou peach, a peach plant in the rose family (scientific name: Amygdalus persica 'terutemomo'), is a broom type, rose flower type, with white flowers, medium flowers, flat petals, and flowering period in the first and middle of April.

Growth habit:

It likes light, likes warmth, has certain cold resistance, avoids dry heat, and is afraid of wet and waterlogging.

Curing method:

It likes sufficient sunshine, which will affect the daylighting of the plants in the shade and under the tall trees, resulting in the weakening of the trees and the reduction of the flower amount of the branches. Pruning is generally based on short cutting and supplemented by thinning. Pay attention to cutting off dry and dead branches, sick and old insect branches and too dense thin and weak branches, maintain the plant type and strengthen the ventilation and light transmission inside the plant, which is not resistant to water and humidity. Do a good job in drainage and waterlogging prevention in rainy season. In early spring and late autumn of each year, the thawing water and freezing water shall be poured respectively; In summer, the continuous high temperature and drought should also be watered properly. In case of dry and hot weather, water should be sprayed to the environment around the plant to increase the air humidity.

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