

Acer palmatum Thunb. Is a small deciduous tree of Acer palmatum Thunb; The canopy is umbrella shaped. The bark is smooth. The bark is dark gray. The branchlets are purple or light purple green, and the old branches are light gray purple. Leaves suborbicular, base cordate or subcordate, palmate, often 7-lobed, densely pointed serrate. Flowering of the posterior leaf; Flowers purple, heterozygous, male flowers and bisexual flowers are the same plant; Corymbose. Sepals ovate lanceolate; Petals elliptic or obovate. The young fruit is purplish red, brown yellow after ripening, the fruit core is spherical, the veins are obvious, and the two wings form an obtuse angle. The flowering and fruiting period is from May to September.

Growth habit:

Acer chelonicera likes sunshine, and avoids shooting in the West. Shooting in the West will scorch the leaves. It is more shade resistant and grows well under the shade of tall trees. Strong resistance to sulfur dioxide and soot. Its leaves are beautiful and turn bright red in autumn. Its color is as bright as flowers and brilliant as clouds. It is an excellent foliage tree.

Curing method:

In order to prevent the scorching sun, from July to August, it is necessary to build a shelter, water and prevent drought, and apply thin and rotten cake fertilizer water to promote the growth of seedlings.

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