cassiabark tree


Osmanthus fragrans var. thunbergii Makino (scientific name: Osmanthus fragrans var. thunbergii Makino) is a plant of Oleaceae and Oleaceae. Large evergreen broad-leaved tree with a round crown; The tree is strong, the branches are straight, the bark is gray, and the number of pores is medium. The bud body of axillary bud is large, the leaf color is dark green, leathery and shiny; The leaf blade is elliptical, the leaf surface is uneven, and the mesophyll is convex; The reticular veins are obvious on both sides; Leaf tip short to long; The leaf base is wide cuneate, the two sides are often asymmetric, the Corolla is obliquely unfolded, and the lobes are slightly internoded, ovoid; The flowers are yellow in color and bloom from late September to early October.

Growth habit:

It likes light and warm climate, but not cold; The soil requirement is not strict, but the sandy loam with good drainage and rich humus is preferred.

Curing method:

It is not suitable to apply fertilizer in the year of seedling survival, but in the spring of the second year, it is better to apply appropriate amount of fertilizer outside the root. The type of fertilizer is suitable for compound fertilizer, such as compound fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and urea. It is best to apply organic fertilizer such as farmyard manure, rapeseed cake and sesame cake at the root in winter. Ammonium bicarbonate is prohibited. The principle is: "eat less and eat more".

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